
Please note that the correct CEPT prefix to use in Switzerland is HB9/, not HB/!


swisstopo publishes excellent free online maps at Make sure to display the “Hiking trails” layer, and familiarize yourself with the signalization. If activating in winter, consider also the “Ski routes”, “Snowshoe routes”, “Wildlife reserves” and “Designated wildlife areas” layers. Keep in mind that the presence of a hiking, ski or snowshoe route does not mean that the summit is easy to get to, and alpine dangers (avalanches, crevasses, rockfall etc.) may be present.

Red Tape

…or the relative lack thereof. The freedom to roam is guaranteed by Swiss law, so you can activate HB summits without asking anyone for permission. Still, some restrictions apply for the protection of wildlife, especially in winter. Please see our Red Tape page for details.

Cable Car Summits

For the benefit of visitors coming to HB9-Land to activate SOTAs, Paul HB9DST has put together a list of so called «cable car summits» (this also includes other public transport such as cog railways).

Cable Car Summits

Activation Reports


Dominik HB9CZF (External Blog)

Peter HB9TVK (External Blog)

Parking Info

Parking opportunities for various SOTA destinations


Peter HB9TVK